Character for better Game Development

Last week was weird and productive: I had re-coded a whole bunch of scripts. Why? Well... 

One day I went to see how one of them worked, and realised it was unreadable... And I checked the next one, and then the one after that... And it's Friday already 🥴 

Now I'm working on the development of functionality for the first day, there will be 7 of them in total. And I've decided to make make a plug-character like this to put in place of the ones I haven't drawn yet.

The good news I've done everything about re-coding: now it's beautiful and readable! So nice to see the progress, though it cost whole week ;d

I don't have a lot of art for now: I'm doing everything mostly using temporary art. I'll do the drawing part after everything in the level is stable running and jumping.

I think this character will look much nicer than grey boxes :))

Get Undesirable Me

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